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Noctuary by The Holydrug Couple

The Holydrug Couple


Release Date: Jan 22, 2013

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, International, Chilean

Record label: Sacred Bones


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Album Review: Noctuary by The Holydrug Couple

Satisfactory, Based on 2 Critics

AllMusic - 70
Based on rating 7/10

From South America to Australia, if any message has been made abundantly clear, it's that the musical language of psychedelia is spoken pretty much everywhere. Existing on the dreamier end of the psychedelic spectrum, Chilean duo the Holydrug Couple pull listeners into a trippy world of their own making on Noctuary. Recorded at the band's home studio, the album exudes a sense of hominess and comfort, making the sonic journey contained within more of a relaxing mediation than a mind-expanding explosion.

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Consequence of Sound - 44
Based on rating C-

Word is that Santiago, Chile has a rapidly growing psychedelic scene, a world where Ives Sepúlveda stands prominently. While his work in Föllakzoid rides on the smokey, motorik end of the spectrum, his work with Manuel Parra as The Holydrug Couple spends considerably more time in the summer breeze. For Noctuary, their second disc for Sacred Bones Records, the duo spent months isolated in a home studio, recording and producing a batch of escapist psych mysticism.

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