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Armageddon In A Summer Dress by Sunny War

Sunny War

Armageddon In A Summer Dress

Release Date: Feb 21, 2025

Genre(s): Folk, Alternative/Indie Rock, Alternative Singer/Songwriter

Record label: New West Records


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Album Review: Armageddon In A Summer Dress by Sunny War

Disappointing, Based on 3 Critics

The Line of Best Fit - 80
Based on rating 8/10

It eventually turned out the spectral presences were hallucinations brought on by undetected gas leaks within the property. However, Sunny War's musical MO certainly packs plenty of echoes (or ghosts) of past masters of seemingly disparate styles, most prominently old-timey folk music and politically engaged punk rock. This may seem like the outcome of a dare to pick out two random and unconnected musical strands until you consider the political ire and drive for a fairer society that connects, say, Woody Guthrie and Crass (Ward started out as a punk rocker before gravitating towards finger-picked guitar).

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PopMatters - 10
Based on rating 1/10

Sunny War’s Armageddon in a Summer Dress is a revolutionary work. War offers a bold critique of oppressive systems while finding solace in defiance. Her album addresses the current era of fear, false consciousness, and exploitation but doesn’t dwell in this space. Instead, she uses her record to envision a free world.

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PopMatters - 10
Based on rating 1/10

The most striking feature of Sunny War’s latest release, Armageddon in a Summer Dress, is that a five-piece band accompanies the singer. The folk punk artist has often played with others, but her singing and playing dominated the proceedings. She’s still front and center on the new record, but the silences that accompanied her vocals and made her seem edgy have been fleshed out.

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