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Oyster Cuts by Quivers


Oyster Cuts

Release Date: Aug 9, 2024

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Pop

Record label: Merge


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Album Review: Oyster Cuts by Quivers

Great, Based on 2 Critics

Sputnikmusic - 80
Based on rating 4.0/5

All I ever wanted was transcendence Oyster Cuts is Quivers' fourth full-length, but it's my first experience with the band. Going in, my reading about this Aussie crew suggested that they're one of those myriad underground groups taking their cues from the jangly sound of an earlier era. Based on the evidence of this LP, though, that's a far too narrow scope to capture the influences in play.

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Under The Radar - 75
Based on rating 7.5/10

In 2020, Australian four-piece Quivers cut a full-album cover of R.E.M.'s Out of Time. In many ways, the band was perfect for the task. Releasing its third full-length album, and its first on Merge, Quivers share some sensibilities with the Athens legends. Tunes are jangly in turns. Melodies are ….

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