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Oceanside Countryside by Neil Young

Neil Young

Oceanside Countryside

Release Date: Feb 14, 2025

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: Reprise


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Album Review: Oceanside Countryside by Neil Young

Excellent, Based on 2 Critics

musicOMH.com - 80
Based on rating 4

A selection of songs recorded in 1977 hang together consistently as a ‘lost’ album Perhaps there’s no such thing as a lost Neil Young album, only one that’s been strategically delayed – the man’s released more ‘lost’ albums than most artists have ever put out. This latest one, Oceanside Countryside, is a winner, from a strange time in Young’s career. Recorded between May to December 1977, and made up of nine songs that you can definitely find elsewhere if you look for them (as is the case for much of Young’s ‘lost’ work) and one song that’d be more difficult to find, Oceanside Countryside is essentially a resequenced version of a disc (with the same name) from the Archives Volume III collection, with some tracks swapped in from other discs in the collection, but in their original mixes.

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Clash Music
Opinion: Very Good

Earlier in the year, while visiting my parents, I decided to poke my head into their loft and see what was up there. It had been about a decade since I last braved those dank, cramped eaves. I was shocked by the amount of, well, stuff that was up there. Boxes of old toys, old school exercise books, disused suitcases and the detritus of life.

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