Home > Indie > We The Vehicles
We The Vehicles by Maritime


We The Vehicles

Release Date: Apr 18, 2006

Genre(s): Indie, Rock

Record label: Flameshovel / Grand Hotel Van


Music Critic Score

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Album Review: We The Vehicles by Maritime

Very Good, Based on 1 Critic

AllMusic - 70
Based on rating 7/10

Maritime's second album continues the low-key guitar pop shimmer of their debut, 2004's The Glass Floor. Several steps removed from the earnest emo anguish of their old outfits the Promise Ring (singer/guitarist Davey vonBohlen and drummer Dan Didier) and the Dismemberment Plan (bassist Eric Axelson), We, the Vehicles is a comparatively sunny effort, musically speaking. vonBohlen's guitars favor crisply strummed, melodic lines, fleshed out with occasional keyboards.

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