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Someday, Now by Katy J Pearson

Katy J Pearson

Someday, Now

Release Date: Sep 20, 2024

Genre(s): Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Indie Rock, Alternative Singer/Songwriter, Indie Folk

Record label: Heavenly


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Album Review: Someday, Now by Katy J Pearson

Excellent, Based on 3 Critics

The Skinny - 80
Based on rating 4/5

Garbled electronic speech makes for an unexpectedly eerie first few seconds of Katy J Pearson's third studio album Someday, Now, before the Bristol-based musician's familiar bright, crisp guitar comes floating in, and the track - Those Goodbyes - blossoms into a sweetly wistful pop melody. Across the record, Pearson and producer Bullion concoct a sparkling mixture of acoustic and electronic sounds. Grand Final contrasts crunching, rough-edged guitar with effervescent synths and backing vocals.

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DIY Magazine
Opinion: Absolutly essential

Consisting of ten glistening tracks, 'Someday, Now' is Katy J Pearson's most assured release to date. Recorded at Rockfield Studios over a period of two weeks, Pearson's third album shines with authenticity, showcasing her versatile voice and impressive vocal range. Produced by Nathan Jenkins aka Bullion, the singer-songwriter's quintessential sound is re-moulded through the experimental cast of his more electronic-leaning production.

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Clash Music
Opinion: Excellent

With 2020 debut ‘Return’ and 2022’s ‘Sound of the Morning,’ Katy J Pearson quickly became one of the UK’s most promising Indie-folk artists. Boasting a truly singular voice and first-rate gift for melody, those first two albums revealed a songwriter of rare confidence from the get-go. It’s interesting to now learn that Pearson had been actually avoiding big pop hooks due to a disappointing run-in with a major label at the beginning of their career.

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