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Luck and Strange by David Gilmour

David Gilmour

Luck and Strange

Release Date: Sep 6, 2024

Genre(s): Pop/Rock

Record label: Sony Music


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Album Review: Luck and Strange by David Gilmour

Excellent, Based on 1 Critic

musicOMH.com - 80
Based on rating 4

An elusive album, gradually revealing its secrets with repeated listens, the Pink Floyd star’s latest is elegant and poised With the release of Luck And Strange, David Gilmour turns to a new chapter. His first substantial musical statement in nine years, it follows previous solo album Rattle That Lock (2015) and the post-Pink Floyd album The Endless River (2014), both of which marked the passing of Floyd guitarist Richard Wright. Now Gilmour plants his feet to face firmly forward, bringing his family along for the ride but also looking to challenge his musical instincts.

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